The Therapist's Reflection: A Poem for the Healing Soul

Feb 15, 2024

In the quiet halls of the healer's heart,

Where whispered woes and healing start,

Dwells a part, both wise and true,

A therapist's soul, steadfast and anew.


In these depths, where empathy flows,

A gentle strength steadily grows.

A listener's ear, a guide's soft hand,

Navigating lives like soft-spoken sand.


You are the harbour in emotional storms,

Transforming pain into reform.

In clients' tears, in their silent pleas,

You find the keys to set them free.


Yet in this journey, oh dear part,

Remember to tend to your own heart.

For in the quest to heal and mend,

Your own needs often blend and bend.


Carry with you this gentle reminder,

While being a pathfinder:

That your heart, so vast and deep,

It needs its counsel to keep.


So pause, dear therapist, now and then,

To nurture yourself, to find your zen.

In your self-care, find respite,

To continue your quest with renewed insight.


For you are more than a healer alone,

You're a seeker, a feeler, deeply sewn.

In your tapestry of care and concern,

Allow your light to brightly burn.


So here's to you, in your noble role,

With a heart of gold and a resilient soul.

In your journey, may you always find,

Peace, joy, and a tranquil mind. 


This poem is dedicated to therapists and their inner parts, acknowledging their profound work while reminding them of the importance of self-care and inner balance.

In abundant love and kindness for all gentle souls,

Angela xox