Self Energy - The Healing Process

Apr 08, 2024

Self Energy - The Healing Process

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy offers a transformative approach to psychological healing, emphasising the importance of connecting with the Self to achieve balance and well-being. Developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s, IFS integrates a multiplicity of the mind concept, where the individual’s psyche is composed of various parts, along with a core Self that is inherently whole and undamaged.

The Concept of Self in IFS

At the heart of IFS therapy is the Self, which is considered to be the essence of an individual, characterised by qualities such as compassion, curiosity, calmness, and clarity. The Self is not a part but the central core from which healing emanates. Unlike the parts, which can be wounded or carry burdens, the Self is always whole and possesses the capacity for leadership and healing.

Connecting to the Self

The primary goal of IFS therapy is to establish and maintain a connection with the Self. This process involves identifying and understanding the different parts of the psyche, learning their roles, and recognising how they impact the individual’s life. The therapist guides the client to approach these parts with the curiosity and compassion of the Self, promoting internal understanding and harmony.

The Role of Parts in IFS

The parts in IFS are categorised into three main types: managers, firefighters, and exiles. Managers attempt to keep the person safe from harm by controlling their environment and internal state, firefighters extinguish emotional pain often through impulsive actions, and exiles carry the emotional burdens and traumas of past experiences. These parts can often operate from extreme roles that disrupt the natural balance and functioning of the individual’s psyche. 

The Healing Process

The therapist helps the client find and connect with their parts, understand their intentions, and then foster a compassionate relationship between the parts and the Self. Through this process, parts are witnessed, understood, and invited to release their burdens, leading to a state of release and relief, often described as unburdening.

Achieving Balance and Healing

As clients learn to connect with the Self and understand their internal system of parts, they develop greater self-awareness and self-compassion. This internal relationship fosters healing as the parts begin to trust the leadership of the Self, allowing for a harmonious internal environment. The ultimate goal is to restore balance by integrating the parts with the Self, leading to a more unified, healed, and balanced state of being.

The Journey Home@

IFS therapy provides a compassionate, respectful, and non-pathologising approach to healing. By encouraging clients to connect with their Self, IFS facilitates a journey of self-discovery and transformation, enabling individuals to heal from within and achieve balance and wholeness. As clients engage with their internal world, they uncover a path to lasting change and well-being, making IFS a powerful modality in psychotherapy.

Posted with abundant love and kindness for all gentle sous,

Angela xox

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