Join Our Training Program


Revolutionising Therapy

Through the Evolution of Therapists


Enrol in our 6-Day IFS Intensive 

Starting on 11th October 2024 - Limited Places Available

Find Out More Here!

Access our free resource:

Introduction to Somatic Experiencing: Understanding the Body's Role in Therapy

Access Here

"The issue in New Zealand is training for healthcare workers doesn’t focus enough on prevention", Toni Laming


We envision revolutionising the therapy field by fostering continuous personal and professional growth among therapists.

"At the core of our philosophy, we believe that true healing transcends the conventional boundaries of therapy. It's a journey that unites mind, body, and soul. Our vision is to revolutionise the field of therapy by embracing this holistic approach. We are dedicated to cultivating an environment where personal and professional growth in therapists is not just encouraged but deeply interwoven with their practice.

We are committed to enhancing well-being at an individual level and extending to the broader spectrum of communities and humanity. Our approach is more than therapeutic care; it's a commitment to healing that embraces every facet of human existence, aligning mind, body, and soul for a truly transformative impact."

The Journey Home® Blog

Understanding Secure Attachments

Sep 01, 2024

Understanding Hurtful Words and the Path to Self-Forgiveness

Aug 25, 2024

The Power of Boundaries: Focusing on Self-Accountability

Aug 18, 2024

How Can We Work Together?

We keep our processes simple so you have time to do the things you love

#1 Decide On Your Journey

Workshop, Training, or Supervision

#2 Commit To Your Decision

Purchase and lock in your calendar dates

#3 Elevate Your Practice

 Trust In The Process

Hello! I'm Angela Carter, the visionary behind Concinnity. My expertise lies in harnessing the power of Internal Family Systems (IFS), HeartMath®, and Somatic Embodiment to unlock new, innovative pathways for health professionals.

Being one of New Zealand's first certified trauma therapists, certified by Bessel Van der Kolk and the Trauma Research Foundation and deeply committed to the principles of IFS, Somatic Embodiment and HeartMath®, my focus centres on the mental well-being of healthcare professionals and their clients.

My background is a rich blend of diverse training encompassing social work, therapeutic practice, and extensive experience in the trenches of real-world applications. With this unique combination, I can guide you to break free from any parts of your psyche holding you back.

Together, we can explore fresh perspectives and approaches to facilitate your growth and your clients' healing.

You can find out more about my story here.

30 Years Of Supporting Clients and Professionals

26,000 Hours

One-on-One Client Work

8,000 Hours

Professional Supervision

3,500 Hours

Professional Development

250+ Hours 

Internal Family Systems Training

"Persistently high workloads and, therefore, stress levels can have, and are having, a negative impact on the physical and mental well-being of our health professionals." Time To Care Report

What Professionals Say About Concinnity 


Sophia - Social Worker

"Concinity's training reshaped my practice approach, overcoming self-doubt and boosting my self-worth and competence, resulting in clearer, more confident client care."


Annie - First Responder

"Concinity's therapeutic approach transformed my career as an ambulance officer, replacing self-doubt with confidence and clarity, uplifting morale, and enhancing my performance in critical situations."


Nicola - AOD Team Leader

"Angela's workshop provided transformative insight and tools for client interactions, with an engaging style that made learning both informative and interactive."


Jenny - Psychologist

"Witnessing experiential exercises in action proved invaluable. Their quick alignment with people's needs was insightful, enhancing my practice by introducing Parts discussions with clients."


Liz - Social Worker

 "Angela's IFS workshop offers an excellent, in-depth introduction with her vast knowledge and participant engagement, providing immense value and meaningful insights throughout the day."